Now when we got acquainted we began to share ideas and help each other greatly.
I am strongly impressed by the pleasant and friendly atmosphere here. Even more I am amazed by multiculturalism of all our participants and pluralism of their thoughts and opinions.
Don't you think we are getting "hooked" on studying?
I feel I became computer-dependent (or "addicted" as several of our colleagues said).
I am waiting for comments, trying to react, checking my e-mails, reading your blogs, new posts and some links. And you know, I notice I don't have enough time during twenty-four hours.
So I wanted to sum up the results of my work during this first fruitful week:
-first logged into and introduced myself; was curious to know about all participants, my co-students
and instructors and their background;
-have done Need analysis as an important part at the beginning of any course;
-agreed upon Ground rules and Rubrics;
-downloaded all suggested materials, found even more and made readings, also read the materials our colleagues advised;
-created my blog - it wasn't difficult to register, but took some efforts to design and make some settings;

-learned to make an active link!!!;
-pinned my native place on the Google map;
-learned to make a list of fellow-teachers' addresses in my blog;
-read all the known blogs, comments, posts on Nicenet and again comments - so I read, read and read!
Hard work I should say but so interesting! Don't you agree? And it takes much more time than it was expected.
So we did it! Success attend us!